
Flexible, Expandable, Scalable, and Fully Managed

Cloud-based Social Network Platform

Flexible, Expandable, Scalable, and Fully Managed
Our Cloud-based Social Network Platform is extremely flexible, expandable, and scalable to match even the most complex Website needs. With a wide selection of modules included with every website account, you can design and configure your website to do just about anything your organization or blog requires.

We Build Networks and Relationships!

We are in the business of developing long-term relationships with our customers.

  • With our tailored service, we install, setup*, design, and configure your Website to your requirements.

  • We provide full-service hosting, maintenance, technical support, and training for your Website.

  • Clear, simple, and low pricing. Easy to get started.

* Websites as low as $349 with monthly plans starting at $20 a month!


We Are Users Too!

We use timlX to power all of our platforms, and believe people should have equal and affordable access to advanced technology.

  • We provide the tools you need to be more productive and successful.
  • We help reduce the barriers to have an online presence with our "customer-centric" approach and low price.
  • We handle the technology. You handle your content and focus on building your community or business.

Read more about our Website Design and Development and Website Hosting and Maintenance approach.


We Offer Personalize Services!

Getting a website ready to launch takes a lot of planning, work, and time.

  • Need help with your Content? Contact us for a free evaluation and we'll be happy to provide you with a quote for content writing, moving your content to your timlX-Powered website, and more.
  • Need help registering a Domain Name? Contact us for assistance. Our Domain Name Registration Service is only $16 a year.
  • Need Custom Design Work for your website? As part of our setup cost, we provide you with a design similar to your existing website, or one to match your website's industry. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss your brand.
  • Need Digital Marketing and SEO? Contact us to discuss your interests and organizational goals so we can work with you to achieve them.